How to Setup Project Management in D365 Business Central
Project Management is not a skill. It’s a strategic advancement. It empowers organizations to deliver innovation and values. Project Management involves planning, organizing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. Whether you are launching a new product, implementing a system upgrade, or creating a marketing campaign. Project management is the framework that holds everything together.
So, to make this process efficient and to automate it, we can use Project Management in Business Central. Microsoft 365 Business Central stands out as a powerful solution for managing projects of any scale. By offering a wide range of features that streamline processes and enhance productivity. It’s not just a project management tool. It’s a powerful platform that combines project planning, resource management, financial tracking, and real- time analytics into a seamless system.
In this blog I will show you how we can configure Project Management in Business Central.
Configuring Resources
First, let’s configure the Resources so that we will proceed towards the Project Management Process:
- Go to the Resources Card Page in Business Central.
- Enter the necessary information regarding the resource like No., Name, Type, Unit of Measure, Timesheet Owner, Timesheet Approver, Unit Cost Unit Price, and other contact details.
Create Project
After setting up Resource details, the next step is to create the project.
- Search the Project Page in Business Central.
- Then, create a new project and enter necessary details of the project regarding customer, resources, and items.
- After that, allocate the task to the resources through project planning
Creating Timesheets
After creating the task, it’s time to create the timesheets.
- Go to the search bar and type “create time sheet”.
- Here you can enter Resource No, Resource Name, of weeks, and then press “ok” to confirm.
- Then, search the time sheet by typing “time sheet” in the search bar.
- Here you can get your respective project and respective resource timesheet which you had selected in the “create timesheet” filter.
- After reviewing the time sheet, click on the submit action
- Then type the Manager Time sheet on the search
- Finally, from here the timesheet approver approves/rejects the
Job Journal Posting
Now post the resource hour entries to the project ledger entries and resource ledger entries through project journal.
- Type “project journal” in the search
- Suggest lines from timesheet to get the data of the
- Then, select the lines from time sheet and then post these
Calculate WIP And Post WIP Entries to the Ledger
After posting the project entries to the project ledger then open the project page and check the project completion %.
- Go to the Posting Fast Tab and check the project completion %.
- Then calculate the WIP and create the WIP
- Then post the WIP entries to the general ledger to get the project sales and cost entries in the ledger.
- Now the WIP entries have been successfully posted to the
- In the WIP and Recognition Fast Tab you can see the WIP Cost and WIP Sales.
- Then, go to the Task Fast Tab and create a sales
- Here, you can see the sales invoice has been created for task 1. Click on the post action button and post the sales invoice.
- Finally, the invoice has been posted.
Posting The Transaction Through the Cash Receipt Journal
Now open the cash receipt journal and get the invoice lines through apply entries.
- Click on the apply entries and get the invoice lines and now the post the invoice in the
- Now the invoice has been successfully
Project Status Change
Now go to the posting Fast Tab and change the project status as completed.
By following the procedure, you have successfully configured the Project Management in Business Central Microsoft D365.
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