You can Quickly create new sites directly from the Microsoft Power Pages home page by using the default template, or choose existing industry-based starter templates. The templates hub offers ready-to-go websites for use cases like scheduling, registration and app submission.
First Go to the Link
Create new site:
Click the default template Menu and the select after School program registration and click Next
Add your site name, web address and click the Done option.
Its takes time to setup your template.
Now App is ready click on Edit option you will be redirected to Design studio.
Design studio
You can build powerful and engaging sites without writing a single line of code. Microsoft Power Pages design studio, which provides tools for styling, configuring and publishing layouts and pages with text, videos, images and business data forms and lists.
You can add your custom pages directly click “+” icon.
The Styling workspace lets you apply global site styles. You can apply corporate branding updates, and review the changes in the preview on the right side of the app window.
Data Source:
You can create and modify directly in the design studio by using the data workspace.
Power Pages allows users to implement role-based access controls via Azure.