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Parent Child Relationship in Common Data Service (CDS) using Power Automate and Power Portal

  • August 5, 2020

Dealing with Parent Child data in Power Portal and Power Automate scenario’s can be a little challenging. In this blog, I will show you how to handle from Common Data Service and Portal Management.

First of all, we will create two entities.

  • kspInvoiceHeader
  • kspInvoiceLine

Now Create one to many using kspInvoiceHeader “OR” many to one using kspInvoiceLine relationship in between kspInvoiceHeader and kspInvoiceLine.

Now open Portal Management in powerapps, goto Entity Permissions.

Create two entity permissions.

  • InvoiceEntityPermission
  • InvoiceDetailPermission

In InvoiceEntityPermission, Select entity name, your website, and Scope.

I am going to select Contact Scope because I want to display only Current Portal Sign in user data.

Ok! Now for InvoiceDetailPermission, Select entity name, your website and Scope.

Your Scope should be Parent for this.

In Parent Entity Permission, Select the InvoiceEntityPermission and Select relationship which was created on CDS.

Now handling GUID’s from Flow.

I hope you found it useful. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us info@kaispe.com