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Unveiling React Proxying: Enhancing Development Efficiency

  • March 28, 2024

When building a React application, you might encounter a situation where you need to make an API request to a server. However, sometimes it’s not possible to make that request directly from the client-side code due to security reasons, CORS, or other limitations. In those cases, you can use a proxy server to forward the request from the client to the server. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use a proxy server in React to handle API requests.

Setting Up a Proxy Server

To set up a proxy server, you need to create a new file called “setupProxy.js” in the “src” directory of your React application. This file will be used to configure the proxy server. In the file, you can define a proxy using the “createProxyMiddleware” method from the “http-proxy-middleware” package. Here’s an example of how to set up a proxy server to forward requests to “http://localhost:5000“:

const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');

module.exports = function(app) {
      target: '<http://localhost:5000>',
      changeOrigin: true,

In the code above, we define a proxy for requests to the “/api” path, which will be forwarded to “http://localhost:5000“. The “changeOrigin” option is set to “true” to ensure that the request headers are updated to match the target server.

Using the Proxy Server in React

Once you have set up the proxy server, you can use it to make API requests from your React components. Instead of using a relative URL to make the request, you can use the absolute URL of the API, including the path that you defined in the proxy configuration. Here’s an example of how to make an API request using the proxy server:

  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(data));

In the code above, we’re making a request to the “/api/data” path, which will be forwarded to the server specified in the proxy configuration.


Using a proxy server in React can be a useful technique for handling API requests when direct communication between the client and server is not possible. By setting up a proxy server and using it to make requests from your React components, you can ensure that your application is secure and follows best practices.