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Microsoft Power Platform Custom Connector for QuickBooks

  • February 4, 2023

QuickBooks’ custom connector using Microsoft Power Platform allows us to integrate QuickBooks with other software applications, such as  organization’s CRM or inventory management system. This allows us to automate tasks, such as updating customer information or creating invoices, and eliminates the need to manually enter data into QuickBooks. By utilizing the custom connector, you can streamline your business operations and improve efficiency. Additionally, the custom connector can also be used to extract financial data from QuickBooks to be used in analytics and reporting.

 Today, we will be implementing the Power Platform custom connector for  QuickBooks. The custom connector allows for seamless integration of QuickBooks with other software applications, such as our canvas power apps. This integration will enable us to automate various tasks, including updating customer information, creating invoices, and tracking inventory levels, which will ultimately improve efficiency and streamline our business operations.

Overall, the implementation of the custom connector of QuickBooks in conjunction with our PowerApps canvas app will greatly enhance our organization’s operations and aid in achieving our business goals.


Intuit Developer Account: https://developer.intuit.com

Intuit QuickBooks Online app: Create and start developing your app (intuit.com)

Postman: https://www.getpostman.com/apps

Microsoft Office 365 Subscription:

– A trial subscription works if it includes Microsoft PowerApps and Microsoft Flow.

Once you have created your developer account at Intuit:

Go to Dashboard

Create an app.

  1. Create Postman Collection

Go to,
API Docs & Tools -> Postman

Choose a Postman collection to download. You can test with sets of pre-built requests provided by collections.

  1. Use Collections in Postman

Create a new collection in postman and use the pre-built requests from the collection we downloaded. You can just bring and of the requests in your new collection by just drag-and-drop. Like we want to read all invoices. We use Invoice-ReadAll.

You’ll see the URL like this


Replace all the variables in the URL.

If you’re using Sandbox Environment, replace {{baseurl}} with sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com
If you’re using Production QBO Environment, replace {{baseurl}} with quickbooks.api.intuit.com

Replace the {{companyid}} with your Company ID

To find your Company ID

If you’re using Production QBO Environment,

Go to Quickbooks

Go to Settings -> Account and settings

In the left panel, go to Billing and subscription


If you’re using Sandbox Environment,

Go to intuit developer (developer.intuit.com)

API Docs & Tools -> Sandbox

There you’ll see your Sandbox Environments

Copy the Company ID written with Sandbox

Replace the {{minorversion}} with 8

Now your URL would be like




  1. Get New Access Token

In Postman, in the Authorization tab, we will set all the values below in the required fields.

Now Go to make.powerapps.com

Go to Dataverse -> Custom Connectors ->

Press  +New Custom Connector

Give a name to your connector, we’re using here “Kaispe QBO Sandbox”

Enter sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com in Host

Now in the Security tab


Token:                                  Name: Give a name to the Token

Callback URL:                     https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback

Auth URL:                           https://appcenter.intuit.com/connect/oauth2

Access Token URL:           https://oauth.platform.intuit.com/oauth2/v1/tokens/bearer

Client ID:                              [Your QuickBooks Online app Client ID]

Client Secret:                    [Your QuickBooks Online app Client Secret]

Scope:                                 com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting

State:                                    1

Host:                                     sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com


In the Definition tab

Enter your URL in URL Box.

Write Accept in the Header

The appearance will be like this

Now just go to next and create the connector.

Now Go to Dataverse -> Connections

And create connection for the Connector you just created.


Now we can read and write data from, and in QuickBooks in PowerApps with the help of Custom Connector.

We have shown the Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) actions with basic screens in Power Apps.

We can update and delete any of the records in QuickBooks.

I hope you found it useful. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us info@kaispe.com.